
School of Unconditional Love

Reducing the stresses of life

Patrick Barker sharing his experience to assist you in the school of life

Soul Wisdom

  • Money is Just Energy

    And as with any energy, when we create unnatural pressure we strangle our flow of abundance.

  • Judgement

    Unconditional love is love without judgement.

By starting to make some small changes in our lives, goals and dreams that are aligned to our values are attainable.

Patrick teaches people how to get to know and love who they are using the tools he has learned in his recovery from Burnout and from his life. The teaching is interactive and focuses on areas to look at in one's life to help recognize and change patterns that do not serve us. The teaching is termed “transformational” and Patrick's mission is to help people to love who they are. Patrick's style is very down to earth, real and honest with an approach which reflects his complete passion for teaching.